Posts tagged Nadi Shodhana
New Moon in Aries 

The Dark Moon calls us inwards. Into introspection and isolation. Turning within to contemplate our depths. It can be an edgy time at the best of times – a time for self-reflection and meeting with those aspects of ourselves that we find most challenging and usually like to keep hidden when we’re looking outside ourselves in social situations. It’s here that we meet what we’ve kept hidden – and we’ve kept it hidden for good reason, because it makes us feel uncomfortable.

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Ostara: Balance & Stillness

Ostara, the Spring Equinox, calls us into stillness. A time to be still, in meditation and inner silence, as the earth’s energies rebalance and realign. We are witnessing this on a global scale right now! As more and more countries and communities experience ‘lock-down’ as a result of Coronavirus, being still and going within is becoming enforceable by law.

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