🌙 I am on a mission to share as much positivity, joy and love as is humanly possible, for the time I have here on this magnificent planet. I want to share all that has helped me to deepen my connection to my inner landscape, to find the ocean of unshakeable peace that dwells inside us all.
At Luna Rhythms Yoga, we also seek to restore balance to our lives and our planet by honouring nature as our greatest teacher. Through the wisdom of ancient earth-based traditions, we celebrate the seasons and luna cycles with ceremony and ritual, fostering a profound connection to life itself. ✨
May the blessings of Great Spirit and the Source Of All Love Flow Through Us Eternally . May we Awaken To The Majesty and Infinite Abundance that is always flowing through and within us at all times.
Namastasyai, namsatasya, namastasyai, namo namaha.
Diana x