
Beltane Beach Yoga - May 2nd 9.30-10.30 2024

Holywell Beach Eastbourne

Beltane! A time of vibrant greens, bursting flowers, and the sun climbing ever higher in the sky. This joyous festival, celebrated around April 30th - May 3rd, marks the peak of spring and the cusp of summer in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. It's a vibrant celebration of fire, fertility, and the life force coursing through the land.

We will gather as a community on the beach to connect to this special time. You are all welcome!!

Beltane is a time to ignite your inner fire, celebrate the beauty of spring, and welcome the abundance of summer. So light some candles, put on some music, and let the joyous spirit of Beltane fill your heart!

If you wish to join message me and I will add you to the list!!


Yoga Nidra Tea and Cake

May 7th 6.30-8.00pm

Please join Diana for a luxurious evening of yoga nidra, , cosy fires and delicious tea and cake to finish

Arrive at 6.15pm Book your place below💕