Harnessing the New Moon in Virgo: A Time for Healing and Intention

New Moon in Virgo: Tuning Into Digestive Health

As the New Moon enters Virgo, it’s a powerful time to tune into our bodies, especially our digestion. Virgo energy invites us to get grounded, organized, and refine the way we care for ourselves.

What are you digesting?

This New Moon, I’ve been reflecting on how my body’s needs have shifted. As I approach 50, my digestion has become more sensitive, and with hormonal changes, I’ve noticed the need to make adjustments. Here's what has helped me:

✨ Allowing longer gaps between meals (5 hours has been a game-changer for me)
✨ Not eating until I’m full, but just enough to feel nourished
✨ Reducing sweets and treats, saving them for special moments rather than daily indulgence

But digestion isn't just about the food we eat. It’s about the mental and emotional things we take in too. Are you holding on to thoughts, emotions, or stress that may be disrupting your sense of balance?

New Moon Journal Prompts:

  • What foods, routines, or habits make me feel truly nourished?

  • What am I mentally or emotionally digesting that no longer serves me?

  • How can I nurture my digestive system and overall well-being in this next cycle?

New Moon Ritual:
Create a quiet space for reflection and a warm, nourishing meal.

Light a candle and sit quietly connecting yto the earth and the universe. From a space of deep connection, intuitively call in a greater level of digestion, inner health and well being.

Make a delicious meal, that is nourishing.

As you eat, set an intention to release anything that no longer serves your body, mind, or heart. Focus on how this nourishment supports you on all levels.

This is the perfect time to check in with your body and your heart, and be curious about what unfolds as you make space for deeper nourishment.

4 Top Tips That Have Helped Me Find Balance in My Digestion

As my body and hormones evolve, I’ve made some intentional changes to support my digestion and overall well-being. These mindful practices have brought more balance and ease into my daily routine:

  1. Eating Kitchari Once a Week
    Kitchari, an Ayurvedic dish made with mung beans and rice, has become my weekly go-to for a digestive reset. It’s gentle, detoxifying, and provides balanced nourishment without overwhelming my system.

  2. Five Hours Between Meals
    Giving my body a proper break between meals (at least 5 hours) has allowed my digestion to work efficiently and avoid the heaviness that can come from eating too frequently.

  3. Last Meal Between 7-8 PM with a 14-Hour Fast
    Finishing my last meal between 7-8 PM and then fasting for 14 hours until the next morning has helped my digestion rest and rejuvenate. This routine has left me feeling lighter and more energized when I wake up.

  4. Eating Slower and in a Peaceful Environment
    Slowing down during meals and creating a peaceful eating space has been crucial for me. By eating mindfully and avoiding distractions, I allow my body to fully digest and absorb the nutrients, reducing stress on my digestive system.

✨ As a special bonus, I’ve created a free video to help you cleanse your energy during this New Moon. Watch it here: Energy Cleansing Video.

Prayer for New Intentions

In the quiet of this New Moon, I open my heart and mind to new beginnings. With gratitude for the past, I release what no longer serves me, making space for fresh intentions to take root.

I trust in the journey ahead, and welcome the blessings that unfold. With each breath, I invite light and possibility, embracing this sacred time of renewal.

Thank you to life, peace, peace, peace.

Love always

Diana xxxx

Diana Sampson