Gratitude ~ Love ~ Balance ~ Full Moon In Libra
Namaste my wonderful friends,
I have recently been greatly re inspired by the amazing Albert Villoldo, who’s studied the shamanic healing practices of the Amazon and Andes for over 30 years. In one of his recent videos he reminds us that we are in the fifth great mass extinction event , and that it is happening at an alarming rate. Which got me thinking about what can we do?
Change has to come from within first if we are all to start making choices that support the planet thriving. What we think, say, eat, how we forgive, what actions we take all have impact on our inner and outer world. We all know this. But now we need to take it to the next level.
Personally I am choosing to only eat foods that support my own health and that of the environment. Walk more. Pray. Spread love. Spread the message of yoga, which is to be in holy communion with our minds, bodies, spirits and to the spirit that flows through all life here in our universe.
So in service to this I am putting on more events and classes.
I am just back from my first beach yoga of 2022. Moving rhythmically breath, body hearts and souls to the blissful back drop of the ocean, birdsong and warm sun on the skin. I tell you it feels like heaven is here in these moments. A feeling of total alignment to life, connected to the earth the sky our hearts and to each other.
If you would like to join us look out for the details below. And look out for the wonderful Yoga Day retreat in May, and a beautiful sacred ceremony on wild lands at the end of April.
This Full Moon in Libra offers a chance to rebalance our lives, simplify, and to celebrate choices to support longevity in our bodies, minds, and on our earth. Perhaps this full moon will give you a chance to free yourself of bad habits, obsessions and compulsions, allowing space for re generation of our emotions, and relationships. This work is potent. And like I said it really is time to break the patterns that keep us repeating the same damaging routines. It all starts with us all taking personal responsibility.
Libra invites balance. The world is rebalancing right now. As the world rebirths, painful experiences can occur. And we seeing this play out with global pandemics, war, climate change, fires, floods, hurricanes.
Breathing restores balance, not only to the external ecosystem but to our own internal ecosystems as well. There are many ways we can use pranayama breathing practices to cultivate balance and harmony, such as the nadi shodhana breath we have been working with recently. Or deeply cleansing and energising our lungs through the full yogic breath.
Breathing deeply into your belly, ribs and chest then exhaling chest, ribs and belly. Completely filling your lungs in this gentle yet powerful way brings a boost of oxygen into your blood to refresh every cell and organ in your body. Exhaling completely releases stagnant carbon dioxide that accumulates at the base of your lungs. This balanced breathing technique not only harmonises and regulates your breath, it can bring greater physical energy and mental clarity.
Breathing into the parts of your lungs that you do not usually pay attention to – such as the base of your lungs, right down by your abdominal diaphragm, the backs of your lungs and the top of your lungs expanding beneath your collar bones – you give loving awareness to the second largest organs in your body (the largest is the skin). These are the organs that literally keep you alive. Have you considered that?
Libra’s moon invites a connection with your sacral chakra – particularly working with your kidneys and sexual glands. Breathing into these areas of your body can give you the space to feel and to call into your space joy, love and balance. High vibrational qualities that the world needs right now.
Stay connected to your physical foundations. Lying on the floor or on your yoga mat (or outside on the grass if circumstances allow), take dwi pada pitham, two-foot support. This can be practiced as a dynamic asana for grounding into the earth through your feet and opening up your chest and lungs for expansion and growth. Moving with the breath. With both feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, arms down by your sides, gently raise your pelvis from the floor as you inhale and lower it back down as you exhale. Taking care to be gentle with your spine, feeling into the backs of your lungs and the full capacity of your ribs.
When you have completed ten rounds, keep your knees bent with feet flat on the floor and take yoni mudra, placing your hands flat onto your pelvis with index fingers and thumbs touching – an open triangle of space in between. Breathe here, into your sacral chakra. Yoni means womb or source. Feel your breath connecting you to your inner source of love.
The bija mantra for the sacral chakra is VAM. Close your practice by chanting VAM three times.
Give gratitude to yourself, to your lungs and your breath. Breathe love in and breathe love out.
Notice where you feel balance in your life and celebrate it.
Luna Rhythms Yoga Events in April and May:
You can join my online yoga classes five classes for the five phases of the moon: flow with nature, every month and find deep peace and balance . Sign up here :
Check out my class schedule of all in person classes here :
New beach yoga every Thursday. Message me to be added to the whatsApp group for up to date info.
April 23rd : Ceremony at Kenwood Brook Hellingly ~ Rewilding ourselves in nature . Message me for info.
May 22nd. Self Love Sunday Yoga Retreat and Vegetarian Lunch at the Woods : Sign Up here :
Have a wonderful Full Moon Easter weekend celebrating rebirth, calling in Joy, Love and Balance within so all we will see around us is the same . May it be so.
Be blessed
Diana xxxxx