Rising In LOve-New Moon In Cancer

Root down into the firm, grounded earth this new moon in cancer, drink from the water’s of the earth, and nourish yourself with this love. Let the natural anchor of your deep roots give rise to your most expansive, unlimited ideals. Let your branches, tentacles, arms, visions reach new heights, as you call in at this most sacred of times, your new moon intentions. No holding back, my friends. Now is the time.

Every second , everyday we have the chance to begin again, every new moon we have the chance to re affirm our life. Its never too late to remember why we came here and what legacy we are going to leave behind. Yet it’s so easy to become distracted , or to talk ourselves out of what could be simply wonderous if we only had the commitment to take the next step, with courage roaring behind us all the way. What next step will you take today? What will you commit to with great courage in the ways of walking your true path, so that you leave this earth with your legacy of love?

You can head to the Luna Rhythms Wisdom Group and share via video or post for all to hear, making this a powerful intention for you this new moon. Try it and see the magic that unfolds from such a simple gesture.


Here is my New Moon Intention:

I will take whatever steps necessary, everyday, to walk forward, without distraction or sabotage, so that I am my most authentic, powerful, loving , magical, grounded, capable, generous hearted being in my relationships, in my business and all the I do, say, think, act and behave. So mote it be.

Two energy centres at play during this time, are the solar plexus ( digestive centre, or life force centre) and the heart centre. These days affect the chest, lungs, stomach, liver and gall bladder, so anything you do over the next few days to benefit these areas, when the moon is in cancer, will be even more effective. The same can be said in the opposite direction. Anything that feels toxic for these parts will effect these areas even more so. A daily practice in alignment to the luna energies brings balance, connection and a naturalness of being that is needed, so needed at this time.

I would like to gift you a two hour workshop I ran for my Luna Rhythms Yoga Online Members, that will really support you in these two energy centres, but also encourage the commitment it takes to really courageously walk your talk and take the next steps in your evolution. You can access the workshop here:


Take time for yourself this weekend and enjoy the practices above. From a new perspective create your new moon intentions, and water them over the coming weeks with your commitment, love, courage and grace.

May the Blessings of this New Moon shower you with all that you need,

May you feel, and be nourished,

May you love without fear,

I am Life

I am Grace

I am Joy

I am Ease

With All Of My Love and Gratitude to YOU all

Diana xxx

Diana Sampson