Exhilaration Stability Intensity Full Moon In Taurus

Dig deep into the earth this full moon, because the earth element of Taurus brings stability, balance and vitality into this exhilarating, yet intense time of the luna and solar cycle we are currently in. Let your rooted foundations be the spring board to safely celebrate all of who you are. Use this time to celebrate your light and your darker aspect of yourself, and embrace them all. Know that it is safe to do so. To feel at home and secure within ourselves, so we can fully show up to this life is something indeed to celebrate, to feel exhilarated about and honour.

This full moon in Taurus also focuses the energies around the area of the throat, neck, larynx vocal cords, thyroid and tonsils. Also known as the throat chakra, or Vishuddha Chakra. The colour is blue or turquoise. For healing and releasing the blocks around this area, wear a blue or turquoise scarf around your throat or turquoise beads around your neck.

What’s stuck in your throat that needs to make its way free? What are you not saying and what have you not said. Since we’re still in Scorpio season, these stuck words may be related to what it is that you desire. What are your deepest desires that you’re not vocalising or verbalising, even to yourself? Singing or chanting mantra as part of your regular routine, even just a few Om repetitions at the start or end of your practice, can be a great way to start opening up your throat chakra. To take this further, the seed mantra for the throat chakra is ham, so try adding this chant to your practice today. A well-balanced throat chakra can lead to increased self-confidence and the ability to speak your truth.

How Luna Rhythms Yoga can support you during this Taurus Full Moon:

At Luna Rhythms, our unique system of yoga integrated with the luna cycles and solar seasons teaches techniques from the ancient yogic practices of asanapranayamamudrabandha and mantra in alignment with the energies of the day, season and cycle. This Full Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to give your throat some loving attention and help to release and rebalance your throat chakra.

Try practising Simhasana, the Lion’s breath. From a kneeling position, place your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Take a full deep breath into your belly. When you are ready to exhale, shift your weight forward, open your eyes and look up towards the eyebrow centre while sticking out your tongue. Release the exhale through your mouth, roaring like a lion (or making an ‘aaaaah’ sound) as you do. This practice will help release stuck energy around the throat and clear your channels of communication, realigning your throat chakra. Repeat this up to three times, taking care not to strain.

Luna Rhythms Yoga is based on a range of different techniques from the yogic tradition that enable us to embody and integrate the monthly and daily rhythms of the luna cycle, ensuring that our practice is always in alignment with exactly what we need when we need it.

Join the Luna Rhythms Wisdom Facebook group community and start to follow the cycles to bring balance and healing into your life.

Luna Rhythms Wisdom Facebook group

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Have you signed up for the Luna Rhythms Yoga newsletter yet? This will keep you up to date with the cycles and seasons, and all the wonderful events that you can benefit from. You can sign up here:


May you feel safe and secure this full moon. May you celebrate yourself and all that you have achieved over the months, weeks and years. May you find joy, laughter, love, tears and richness in all that you do, and may we all show up fully in this lifetime, as best as we can for the wellbeing of all.


Diana xxx

Diana Sampson