Full Moon in Pisces
This is a moon to Dream Big with your Feet on the Ground!
Pisces is the sign of dreaming, intuition and creativity; yet when the moon is in Pisces, our physical energy is directed into our feet. This is the last Full Moon before the turning of the seasons back towards winter. Pisces’ full moon invites you to plant your dream-seeds into the earth where they will be nourished through the darker months to germinate and grow when the seasons start to wax again in Spring. Pisces season, the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, sits opposite the current season in the Wheel of the Year. As we approach the Autumn Equinox now, we take our dreams down into our roots – knowing they will be ripe for manifestation when the wheel turns.
This final Full Moon before the onset of autumn and winter calls for celebration – the traditional Harvest Festival. Reaping what you’ve sown this year – the intentions you set at Ostara, the fruits you harvested at Litha and the lessons you learned at Lammas – you have a clear sense of what you have achieved and what’s yet to be done. Celebrate all you have accomplished this year – under what have been challenging and unexpected circumstances for everyone! Laugh, dance, gather with friends and family if you can – really let yourself go. Dance under this Full Moon with your feet on the ground, sending your dream-seeds into the earth with every step… Another lockdown could be just weeks away as the winter approaches, and you’ll have gold in abundance to take into your treasury if you stock up on what matters most now.
Take time this Full Moon to write out your achievements, celebrations, gratitudes… To list and explore what you have achieved, what you have released… And to set clear, focused intentions for your way forward – map out your next steps to guide you through the coming months.
Winter’s retreat into your roots could be more intense than ever this year. Since lockdown began back in March (around Ostara, the Spring Equinox) many people I know have been experiencing deep opportunities to feel, release and heal the traumas they’ve been carrying since childhood in their Root Chakras. This has brought intense discomfort for many, and it’s been part of the experience of being grounded in the same place with the same people for so long. Take notice of what’s been coming up for you around this. These are your invitations for Root Chakra healing on a deeper-than-ever level, and whatever hasn’t been released yet will stay with you as the winter months draw you down deeper into those layers of discomfort.
Pisces is an emotional Moon – a mutable water sign – so it will already be drawing you into those emotional depths. This can feel like a time of intense vulnerability for some. This moon invites you to flow with your emotions, no holding back or supressing, no holding on to hurts and resentments. Be open and forthcoming in your truth and communication. Celebrate the present moment.
How Luna Rhythms Yoga can support you during this Pisces Full Moon:
At Luna Rhythms, our unique system of yoga integrated with the lunar cycles and solar seasons teaches techniques from the ancient yogic practices of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and mantra in alignment with the energies of the day, season and cycle. This Full Moon in Pisces invites you to dream big and make peace with your roots…
Grounding practices are essential at this time, and the Sun in earthy Virgo can support you with the process.
Ganesha Mantra, ‘Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha’, connects us with the grounding and protective energies of elephant-headed Ganesha. I recommend using a mala – a set of 108 prayer beads – if you have one, to chant 108 repetitions of this mantra daily. Grounding down through your ruby red grounding cord into the earth, as you open your voice and surround yourself with a blanket of red light for warmth and protection. Cosy up into the autumn chill!
Several standing asanas can help you to focus on your feet with this Pisces Full Moon.
Try Pada Bhanda, the foot lock, by grounding down into the four corners of your feet – big toes, little toes, inner and outer edges of your heel – and feeling the counter-lift rising through the arch of your foot, up through your centre. From here, place one foot onto your calf or thigh, rising up into Vrikasana, or Tree Pose. Remember to protect your knee by not placing your foot onto the joint. And keep your focus on maintaining Pada Bandha with your standing foot. Feeling the rise and fall of your breath, and your body extending upwards from your deeply grounded roots. When you are ready, replace your foot onto the ground and repeat on the other side.
From here, staying grounded while expanding into possibility, move into Tarasana or Star Pose. Tarasana can help to clear and balance your Root Chakra, and also calls upon the protection of the goddess Tara. Standing with both feet on the ground, hip-width or wider, retaining Pada Bandha, extend your arms upwards with your breath on an inhale, reaching out at shoulder height so that your full body resembles a five-pointed star (also a symbol of protection in earth-based spiritual traditions). Here, feel the spanda – the equal contraction and expansion, the balancing force of grounding and extending – that creates space for you to grow beyond your limitations and reach that little bit further than you could before. This is how you draw up from your roots to feed your dreams!
To close your practice, return to a comfortable standing or seated posture, drawing your inner gaze (or Drishti) to your belly to focus on the Grounding Drishti, reaching down through your grounding cord and breathing deeply into your belly ten times. Lift your inner gaze to the root of your heart to focus on the Love Drishti, celebrating all that you have achieved, breathe deeply ten times. Bringing your inner gaze up between your eyebrows, focus on the Vision Drishti for clarity and intention-setting. Breathe deeply ten times.
This Full Moon in Pisces, draw up from your roots to feed your dreams and plant your dream-seeds in the earth to take root.
Namaste and blessings,
For more practices, tips and videos, visit the Luna Rhythms Facebook Page.
To deepen your practice with Luna Rhythms Yoga, you are invited to join my online membership group, Luna Rhythms Wisdom, where we meet together and practice with the five phases of the moon each month: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, Waning Moon and Dark Moon. Membership of the group is £29.99 per month for all your Luna Rhythms Yoga practices.