Luna Rhythms Yoga

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Igniting the Flame of the Heart: Full Moon in Leo / Imbolc 2021

The First Full Moon of 2021 falls in the passionate, extroverted sign of Leo, a vibrant reminder of the fire within, even in the depths of winter. Both this Moon and the Festival of Imbolc invite you to connect with your internal well of creativity, and to ensure you make time for what brings you joy even whilst in lockdown.

Rousing us from the dreaming space of deep winter, this Full Moon encourages us to become conscious of the passion that fuels our every breath. It’s a good time to take note of where we are spending our energies. Are the intentions and projects that you pour your heart and soul into at this time bringing you or someone else joy and sustenance? Keeping the question of not just how you want things to look, but how you want them to feel is key to the flourishing of your projects.

Connecting with your own heart, breath and well of inner vitality helps you to clearly articulate your desires and let go of anything that is no longer aligned with where you are heading. Helpfully, Full Moons magnify emotion, so it is likely to be really clear what you are clearing space for and nurturing at this time. What do you want to grow and develop between now and August, Leo’s solar month?

How Luna Rhythms Yoga can support you during this Leo Full Moon:

At Luna Rhythms, our unique system of yoga integrated with the lunar cycles and solar seasons teaches techniques from the ancient yogic practices of asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha and mantra in alignment with the energies of the day, season and cycle.  This Full Moon in Leo is the perfect time to put joy and possibility at the heart of everything you do.  

The Candlemas festival of Imbolc celebrating Brigid, a Sun Goddess, falls on February 1st. Brigid is an ancient Celtic goddess of healing, poetry and the sacred flame, and Imbolc pays homage to her in her maiden aspect, gathering strength for the gradual return of Spring. You can honour the return of the sun by lighting candles in your space or a fire in the hearth or small witches’ cauldron, calling in the four directions and drawing the fiery, powerful energy of the Moon down into your heart.

Finding ways to have fun with family, friends and your support network is also important, even if that looks a little bit different for you at the moment. Simple pleasures and local adventures are perfect for connecting with the playful spirit of the Leo Moon and celebration of Imbolc.

Simahasana, or the Lion’s Breath, is a great and playful way to ROOOAAAAARRRR out all the excess energy that’s been building inside you through the dark and cold of winter. From a kneeling position, such as Vajrasana, place your palms flat on the floor in front of you. You may wish turn them in towards you for a deeper stretch on the wrists. 

Eyes closed, with your dristhi (inner gaze) focused between your eyebrows, take a deep inhalation. And as you exhale, stick out your tongue and roar from your belly like a lion. This can be effective for generating fiery heat in the solar plexus, and is great for letting out any stuck or stagnant self-expression that needs to be released. Repeat three times or as many times as necessary. 

Do take care not to strain your throat or wrists with this practice. 

This is a fun and playful practice you can also share with your children or family members, especially if you are needing to find ways of engaging them and working with or around them while you’re all at home.

And just for you, indulgent self-care practices around this time can focus on simple daily rituals that light you up. 

Here are Five 5 Essential Oils for Self Care.

1. Geranium - Geranium can help stress and depression melt away, bringing you to a place of happiness and peace. 

2. Rosemary - Rosemary is wonderful to combat mental fatigue, nervous disorders, exhaustion and burnout. Its mind sharpening properties are wonderful for concentration and focus.  

3. Bergamot –The embodiment of self-love & self-worth. This oil helps process and release the fear of not being good enough and opens up the possibility of love and self-acceptance.  

4. Frankincense - Can be used daily to feel calm and spiritually connected. Apply it (in carrier oil) to your wrists or forehead, depending on how you feel that day. Use during meditation or yoga, or for a moment of meditation anywhere.

5. Ylang Ylang - Helpful with stress and anxiety. It’s great in blends intended to focus on happiness & gratitude. Ylang Ylang is also considered an aphrodisiac. 

Luna Rhythms Yoga is based on a range of different techniques from the yogic tradition that enable you to embody and integrate the monthly and daily rhythms of the lunar cycle, ensuring that your practice is always in alignment with exactly what you need when you need it.

Have fun and celebrate yourself!


For more practices, tips and videos, visit the Luna Rhythms Facebook Page. To deepen your practice with Luna Rhythms Yoga, you are invited to join my online membership group, Luna Rhythms Wisdom, where we meet together and practice with the five phases of the moon each month: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, Waning Moon and Dark Moon. Membership of the group is £29.99 per month for all your Luna Rhythms Yoga practices.