Luna Rhythms Yoga

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New Moon in Gemini

Growing with the energy of Beltane, Gemini’s New Moon offers the invitation to reset once again – a new beginning that is ripe with the rising sap.  Now is the time to get expressive with the seeds of creative new vision.  What opportunities have you noticed coming your way recently, or can you now create?  Perhaps lockdown has given you some time to reconsider your life direction – what drives you?  What are your passions?  And where do you want your life to be heading?  

Take a moment to notice what brings you joy, and to celebrate the absolute abundance overflowing from your heart.  

Gemini’s element is Air: it is visionary and communicative.  Making plans and sharing your ideas for creative expansion.  Gemini energises the area around your heart, moving out through your arms to the tips of your fingers.  So you may find yourself talking with your hands: excitedly, enthusiastically, expressively.  Now is the time to share ideas, connect with likeminded friends who will support you with your vision and join you in your success.  The energy of the waxing moon, in conjunction with the waxing seasons of the year, means that this is an ideal time for growth, expansion, connection and culmination.  

Celebrate your achievements and prepare to bring new visions to fruition!

How Luna Rhythms Yoga can support you during this Gemini New Moon:

At Luna Rhythms, our unique system of yoga integrated with the lunar cycles and solar seasons teaches techniques from the ancient yogic practices of asanapranayamamudrabandha and mantra in alignment with the energies of the day, season and cycle.  This New Moon in Gemini is the perfect time to express your creative vision.

The Conch Shell is symbolic in ancient yogic traditions and can be seen depicted in the hands of many Gods and Goddesses.  The Conch has many associations, including communication as a call to action – the shell is blown to call devotees to the temple.  So taking Conch Gesture, or Shankh Mudra, is a call to yourself to open up your inner temple, the temple of your heart and true expression.  The Conch spirals out from its own centre, opening and moving out from the source of infinite abundance where all is possible.  Taking Shankh Mudra, you open up your heart, call to open your inner temple, and connect to the space of infinite spirit within.  From this place, your connections and communications will be energised to express your authenticity as you grow your dreams and visions. 

To practice Shankh Mudra, close your right fingers around your left thumb then bring your left fingers over your right to enclose the spiral.  Allow your right thumb to gently connect with your left middle finger to close the energetic loop.  Sounds complicated?  There’s a video here to show you how it’s done!

In Shankh Mudra, you can open up your heart and your voice with the chant for peace, Om Shanti Om, sounding this out loud 108 times.  This mantra deepens you into that space of connection with infinite source where creation begins, giving a deep sense of peace and radiating that out from your core.  Connecting you in with the crystal clear mountain lake mind that gives you clarity as a starting point from which to act.  

What will you make happen in this waxing time of growth and possibility?

To deepen into your body in this practice, place a bolster or rolled up blanket under your shoulder blades, lying on the floor with your knees bent up and feet flat on the floor, or with the soles of your feet together in Supta Baddha Konasana (Supine Cobbler’s Pose, or Bound-Angle Pose).  Open your arms wide with your palms facing upwards and allow your shoulders and chest to open at the front. This posture opens up your chest area and heart-centre.  Breathe deep.  You may also bring in the bija mantra YAM for connecting with your heart centre and sounding out your true expression.

When you feel ready, come out of the pose slowly and gently: bringing your knees in and sighing out your breath, rocking up slowly.  Listening to your body always.

Now is the time. 



To deepen your practice with Luna Rhythms Yoga, you are invited to join my online membership group, Luna Rhythms Wisdom, where we meet together and practice with the five phases of the moon each month: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, Waning Moon and Dark Moon.  Membership of the group is £29.99 per month for all your Luna Rhythms Yoga practices.